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Georgie Shears is a seasoned Life Design Strategist and the brain behind the SHIFT Life Design System™. With a career spanning over a decade in personal growth and transformation, she's pivoted from battling personal demons like anxiety and panic attacks to genuinely empowering women to navigate life's challenges with confidence. Based in Manchester, Georgie's approach is as real as it gets, offering women practical, actionable strategies to foster self-belief, bust societal norms, and craft lives they genuinely love.

She brings a unique blend of personal experience and professional acumen to the table, transforming lives through a combination of hands-on guidance and straight-talking wisdom. Georgie hosts her own monthly Radio Show on Reform Radio with co-host Jennie Cashman-Wilson and has been a featured speaker on UK Health Radio and various podcasts. Her insights and contributions have been recognised in numerous print and online publications, including newspapers and magazines, notably with an 8-page feature in Psychologies Magazine.

As seen in...

BDaily News
Business Up North
Family Friendly Working
Manchester Evening News
Reform Radio
UK Health Radio

Specialist topics


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Robin, University Course Director

Georgie’s individualised approach catered to my specific fitness needs. She varied the exercises so that I never had the same workout twice. This kept me motivated and also got me fit. I felt physically strong, which translated into a mindset too. I could see results and I wanted to keep building on my successes. She was an excellent guide and we had lots of laughs along the way. I would recommend training with Georgie to anyone. It changed my life!

Robin, University Course Director
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Steph, TV Producer

Georgie is inspirational and her passion to create a positive mindset is infectious. I had so much energy and passion to take my business to the next level that I got to work right away and had new clients within a matter of hours, before the course had even ended! Sometimes it takes an outsider to force you to look at your habits and comfort zone and shake you out of them. To show you what you’re capable of. I feel re- energised and reinvigorated and I’m excited what the future holds

Steph, TV Producer
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Georgie is quite simply a wonderful person. She knows how to help you find the best in yourself. It’s been a privilege working with her and I will always be grateful for the skills and insights she has shared with me. I’ve met my inner critic head on and as a result I am much kinder to myself. I now make more time for myself and I’m more focussed than ever on where I want my business to go… I set myself some challenging goals whilst on the programme and achieved them all. I am still very much a work in progress, but in a very positive sense.

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Georgie is a brilliant mentor! Passionate and very knowledgeable, full of positivity, empathetic, open-minded and a load of fun! She has massively helped me

Mick, Media Agency CEO

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