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09 . 02 . 25

It gave me a real shock

I hope your Sunday has started off well?

02 . 02 . 25

Well that was a LOT. Spa anyone?

So that’s January done - everyone keeps saying it was a bazillion days long? For me I’m certain the whole of January was around 35 minutes in its entirety. So interesting we all feel differently depending on what’s been going on for us.

26 . 01 . 25

I did not nail it this week whatsoever!

That’s a risk saying sunny Sunday, isn’t it? What with all the wind, but I’m writing this on Saturday, and it’s currently sunny, so I’m holding onto that positive vibe and belief that it’ll stay this way.

19 . 01 . 25

Anxiety and panic? This one’s for you

It’s Sunday again!

12 . 01 . 25

You massive traitors!

Well, raise high the flag, I actually did it!

05 . 01 . 25

I intend for you to have a very happy new year!

Wishing you a very happy new year ahead.

29 . 12 . 24

You won’t find any resolutions here

Happy who knows what day it is!

22 . 12 . 24

Spreading My Own Christmas Joy

I wonder how’s everybody feeling? Have we all finished work now for the year? Kicking back a little bit? I hope so.

15 . 12 . 24

You’ll thank me for this one!

It’s Sunday morning again. Whipping by these weeks, aren’t they?

09 . 12 . 24

Here’s how to really enjoy yourself!

Continuing the theme from last week’s email, I loved hearing from so many of you about how you’re choosing to make Christmas, or this time of year, your own. Glorious! It fills me with joy to know you’re doing just what feels good to you. YES!

01 . 12 . 24

December Done Differently

It seems the festive season is well and truly upon us, and whether you celebrate Christmas, another holiday, or simply enjoy this time of year as a time of connection and often reflection, it’s undeniable that it brings its own rhythm, pressures, and expectations. It can be joyful, yes, I’m really feeling that this year I’m happy to say, but it can also feel overwhelming… Especially if we’re not careful and intentional about how we approach it.

24 . 11 . 24

What if you did it this way instead?

I have a question for you to ponder on…

17 . 11 . 24

How to feel calm in the chaos of life

I am so deeply passionate that I do not want a single person to go through life and not feel alive. So I’ve written this email very much with this in mind, to help nudge you closer to that feeling. Because, quite frankly, life is too precious to spend it just surviving...

11 . 11 . 24

Contains passion - you won’t want to miss this one!

Yes, I prefer for you to get this on a Sunday morning but hey, mixing things up sometimes is never a bad thing and this one is definitely worth a good read and some afterthought.

03 . 11 . 24

The Secret Successful People Don’t Tell

Happy Sunday morning!

27 . 10 . 24

Simple but genuinely life changing

Hope this finds you feeling calm and cosy!

20 . 10 . 24

It really is this easy!

How’s your morning started?

14 . 10 . 24

Give us a ‘P’ please Bob

Welcome to a brand new week. I hope the weekend was very kind to you and you chose to do some really lovely things?

07 . 10 . 24

This is all you need to know!

Another Monday is upon us! Right then week, let’s grab you by the wotsists and see what we can make of you…

29 . 09 . 24

What decision do you think I made?

Happy Sunday and welcome to all you new faces here! It’s genuinely beyond wonderful to have you.

23 . 09 . 24

You won’t need me at all

Hope the weekend treated you well?

15 . 09 . 24

You’ve got to see it to believe it

Happy Sunday to you! How has the weekend been for you?

08 . 09 . 24

This will really help you

How’s the weekend been for you?

01 . 09 . 24

This one is a corker!

Happy (hopefully sunny) Sunday to you.

25 . 08 . 24

It’s not the load that breaks you down

I’ll not waste a moment today and jump straight in with a quote: “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

18 . 08 . 24

It’s time to get emotional

I hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend so far? I have, in my own funny little way…

04 . 08 . 24

You tools for self-regulation

There’s a ton of tools I’ve popped in here just for you to help you feel better really quickly, instantly available to you and for free.

04 . 08 . 24

Your voice is so important

So I’m probably oversharing now but I like oversharing. I think it helps you get the real human. You?

28 . 07 . 24

A gift from me to you

How are you today?

21 . 07 . 24

THIS is how you get truly happy

Hooray, if you are in the UK, I am delighted to see Insta posts of you finally being treated to some sunshine. Making an effort to get out in it, that Vitamin D and sunlight in your eyes has so many benefits*, it’s free and it’s a rare commodity in the UK, so grab it and soak it up any chance you can.

14 . 07 . 24

Don’t just shove it in the cupboard

By the time you read this, we’ll be in Italy! Sorrento specifically and I couldn’t feel more grateful. I seriously hope the endless downpour in the UK has ceased for a bit…?

07 . 07 . 24

Anxiety and panic be GONE

Last week, we talked about connection and how important it is in creating a life where we feel that real happiness we all aspire to.

30 . 06 . 24

Your name is on the guestlist

You knew it was going to happen, didn’t you? The Lisbon lowdown! But don’t worry, this is not all about my holiday. It's about some real, important life things that very much include having fun and lots of connection.

24 . 06 . 24

This is how you make it happen

I hope your Monday has started sunny, bright, and beautiful?

16 . 06 . 24

Jackanory Tell Us a Story

How’s your week been? What are the high points, the bits you’ve enjoyed? What have been the bits you could have done without? It’s good to take stock, to be aware, to be conscious…

09 . 06 . 24

Cut the crap here are all the tools you need

Let’s get back to basics. Sometimes we forget that just the simple things are the things that can have the biggest impact.

02 . 06 . 24

Out with the old and in with the new

This email is largely inspired by a task I said I’d make a start on in last week’s email. Alas, it wasn’t a priority obviously, as I didn’t make any headway with it until this weekend - Saturday actually.

26 . 05 . 24

I’ve had it, enough is enough

Question for you. Do we ever reach that point of enough? I mean really do we?

19 . 05 . 24

Time to get romantic with yourself!

Off to a kid’s paintballing party for me today, with the whispering presence of bags full of ‘good’ clothes waiting to be placed on the pages of Vinted -  quietly nudging me towards possibly actioning that later on. To be decided later (slightly concerned it may acquire a whiff of cellar if I don’t get it sorted soon!).

12 . 05 . 24

I’m going to be open and honest

Well, what a ride this last couple of weeks have been!

05 . 05 . 24

This one action will change your life

Following on from last week’s tough love series... It appears I like being authoritative, and the feedback suggests you liked it too, so I’ll continue.

28 . 04 . 24

You need to hear this

Sometimes we all need a bit of tough love. I’ve just received some, indirectly, having watched a talk by my own business mentor Lisa Johnson, and I’m passing some tough love on to you. I needed to hear it, and I think you do too.

21 . 04 . 24

Been on the hallucinogens again

I’m going to do it, I’m going to get all woo woo on you. But do not worry, I can only get on board with things I can really see and feel as true, so you only ever get the practical side of woo from me.

14 . 04 . 24

Stop pi**ing your life up the wall

I was doing a piece of inner work this morning around my money mindset. If you didn’t know money mindset was a thing, I’ll explain briefly. Money mindset is essentially your attitude towards money.

17 . 03 . 24

Your passport out of here

Allow me to set the scene: Hairdressers, laptop on knee, tin foil sprouting from my head like some modern day Medusa, avoiding my own eye-line in the jaunty shaped mirror due to the, surely non conducive to optimal hair colouring, old school strip lighting directly above.

10 . 03 . 24

Phew, dodged those proverbial brown bullets

Well, what an absolutely fabulous ending to a week that threatened to be a complete and utter mental shit show midway through!

25 . 02 . 24

Well butter my biscuit that felt like an eternity!

Well, that’s two hours of my life I’ll never get back.

18 . 02 . 24

The biggest risk of your life!

Well what a gorgeous week I’ve had in the main, if not a little knackering on the school hols front with everything else...

11 . 02 . 24

John McEnroe - you cannot be serious!

Be honest with me here – how’s the overwhelm? If the overwhelm is real I hear you. I honestly think what I’m about to talk about here might be real food for thought for you.

05 . 02 . 24

The weekly chatty one: grab life by the cahoonas

Did you miss me? Ha, did you heckers like! With the new programme launching, I’ve been in your inbox rather more regularly than usual haven’t I? Well the doors are closed now. Everyone is locked in there and I’m raring to get going with them/you in February… YES!! (I hate over exclamation marking, one of my ‘icks’ but I’m excited, so for today!).

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